What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization Explained

what is seo optimization

What is SEO?

SEO has full form- SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. In fact, SEO is one such technique or method. Which shows the results of any website or blog at the top according to the keywords searched by the user on Google's search bar.

SEO is the process increase the traffic of your website or blog at the keyword searched by the user on Google's search bar.  

In the order to bring to the first page of a website or blog SERP [SEARCH ENGINE RESULTS PAGES], a lot of hard work has to be done along with taking care of everything. 

Every blogger tries to stay here. His blog post appears at the top of Google. Because most of the users like to see the website that comes on the first page. 

Research show. That 94% of the click come to the first page.

Every Bussiness also tries here. That he came to the first page of the SERP so that e cloud overtake his competitors. 

How does it work?

how does seo works

You must have learned the information about what is SEO is by now, so you will have a question on how SEO works.

Let's say you have a website. How will people know about that website? Google has a tool. Google Search Console. Tools help you. Ranks your website using its algorithm. 

This is the attempt of Google and other search engines like [Bing Yahoo Baidu]. He can provide accurate and accurate information to his user. 

For this, he searches the website related to that information. And using its algorithm provides a ranking based on quality and reliability.

This is our endeavor through SEO technology. We are able to improve the quality of our website.


types of seo in digital marketing

There are three mains types of search engine optimization

1. On-Page SEO
2. Off-Page SEO
3. Technical SEO

All three are very important for website ranking. Let us understand in detail.


On-page SEO works within a blog post or web post. what is on-page SEO? Some of the factors of on-page SEO which is used help in increasing the ranking of the website. Some such factors like keyword research title tag meta tag image optimization for blog posts and use of the keyword in the content are called on-page SEO.

Keyword Research

Doing keyword research is very important for blog posts. Blog posts are considered incomplete without keyword research. Using keyword increases the chance of ranking the post to a great extent. The search volume of the keyword difficulty should be 1k-10k or more but the keyword difficulty should be very low.

Title Tag`    

This is the main part of the blog post. The user gets to know by reading this. What the post has been written about. It is important to use the title unique and keywords in the blog posts. By which the user must click on the post after seeing the title of the post. By doing this your CTR will increase and its ranking will increase your ranking.

types of seo in digital marketing

Meta Description

Meta description plays an important role within SEO. This shows the complete blog post. The meta description is a short description. In writing this, it is very important to use keywords. Considering SEO.

Image Alt Tag

Image use also shows the ranking of the blog post. The use of keywords in the alt tags is very important. This is a term of SEO. Google is a machine. How will he know what the image used in the blog post says? Because google understanding the coding language. You can also use keywords in the alt tag. The use of images also helps in ranking blog posts.
Url Structure

The URL of the blog post should be as short as possible. It is very important to use the focus keyword in the URL. by doing this, the possibility of a blog post to grow in google increase. The URL should be tailored to the user. It is easy to understand what is the topic of the post. 

Internal and Outbound link

Internal and Outbound links are also very important in SEO. These links work to move the user from one post to another post.
Internal Links

An internal link is a way for a blog post on your website to go from one post to another post. And this lowers your bounce rate. And other blog posts are likely to rank.

Outbound Links

Linking from one website's blog post to another website's blog post is called an outbound link. An outbound link must be provided inside the blog. With this, positive signals go to google. That you are sharing your content as well as other blogs in your blog.

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO is an external activity to increase traffic to a website or blog. Off-page Seo we don't have to make any changes inside the website.


Getting a link from another website

Social Media

Sharing your blog post on social media.
There are many ways to make a backlink. Like Guest Post Social Bookmarking etc. One has to take care while creating a backlink. The website on which the backlink is being created. His quality must be good.

Technical SEO 

In Technical SEO, we work behind the website. For this, some things have to be paid attention to the following.

Page Speed

The loading time of the web/blog should be good. So that the web/blog is open fast. Otherwise, the user can close the site and go to another site. And with this, negative signals also go to Google. You can check the performance of your website from Google page Insight.

 Mobile-Friendly Site

Your website opens on the desktop. Should be opened in the way on mobile. For this, you should use the responsive website theme.


HTTPS is a type of lock. Which keeps your site safe.

Robo.txt File

It is a type of code file. Which informs the search engine. Which webpage to crawl and which page not do. 

Techniques for SEO

techniques seo

White Hat SEO

It follows all the guidelines of SEARCH ENGIE OPTIMIZATION, which too in a simple way like doing keyword research, using content's title and meta tag content. It also ensures. Whatever content is content is indexed by the search engine. Visitors could also read all the right articles. The use of white hat SEO is the only way to reach the right information to the people.

Black hat SEO

There is such a technique. Which is used to get a higher rank in search engines. The black hat SEO only focuses on the search engine. It gives quick results. But it has the opposite effect over time. This reduces site ranking.  And the site or blog is completely blacklist.

Gray hat SEO

The combination of both white hat SEO and black hat SEO is called gray hat SEO. To improve the ranking and indexing of the website, we use this technique which is not correct, it is fine for some time.  

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