You must have heard about web hosting many times. But web hosting is not known in the right way, what is web hosting means. How web hosting works and how many types are there. You will learn all about them in this article. By the way, web hosting is like a room. In which some personal things happen. Which we use according to the need. Web hosting is also something like this. In which things happen according to the user. So let's know about web hosting.

best web hostung

What Is Web Hosting

Web Hosting is a type of service. which enables publishing a website or web application on the internet. 

The meaning of web hosting is to store the page, image, videos, files, etc of the website. So that any user can access your website and content through the internet. 

How Web Hosting Works 

Web Hosting is that company. Which provides its service on rent to host a website on the internet.

When the hosting company hosts a website.  So users can access it on the website by typing the address or domain name of your website through a web browser.

When a user searches a keyword related to your web. So their computer connects to that server. The one who is hosting your website. The server then sends it to the browser to display the files you have hosted. Which users are watching according to their own. 

Types Of  Hosting 

By the way,  there are many types of web hosting. But four types of hosting are most commonly used for most websites. 

You must have understood all this. what is the type of web hosting? Come, everyone knows.
  1. Shared Hosting
  2. Dedicated Hosting
  3. Cloud Hosting
  4. VPS- virtual private service
Shared Hosting

Shared Hosting means. Sharing the hosting there is a server in it. In which there are many websites together. The way we share a room with our friends. And share the rent of that room equally. Shared hosting also works in a similar way. Which consists of a server. Where there are thousands of websites. And each website pays its rent to the web hosting company.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is determined b a server for a website separately. And its resource use only one website. This web hosting is good for a high-traffic website. Like you have any commercial website. Which gets a lot of traffic. So you guys can get dedicated hosting. Because a server is set up separately for you. And the cost of this hosting is very high.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting is a group of many webs server that is set up in different countries. All these hosting are connected to the internet and here at your request, a virtual server is created which is called the cloud server. Data is uploaded to the internet and all the servers are in sync too. Suppose if your website is in India and someone opens it in the US then it is accessed by the nearest server through cloud web hosting so that the speed of the website is greatly increased. Also, cloud hosting also handles more web traffic.
VPS-Virtual Private Service Hosting

A virtual private server is similar to share web hosting, but here a server is divided into a number of virtual services, just as you partition your hard disk, just like how a hard disk is partitioned even after partitioning. The same way the virtual private server stays on the same server. It is like different rooms in the same house. These web servers are more secure than shared web hosting and can handle more traffic.

Friends, today we learned about "web hosting" in this blog post. How web hosting works in this post. And how many types. With the help of, you can make your digital marketing skill even better. I hope this information will be of your use. If you liked this blog post, then definitely share it on your social media.

Hello friends my name is Ravi Palbirla. I love doing Blog Writing on the latest updates of Digital