google search console keywords

You have a blog and the traffic is very less. So want to you know. And is one of the best free tools to develop your blog. Google Search Console! But to increase blog traffic and to know the secret of the use of Google Search Console, please read the article in its full. 

What I have learned in my life. I'm very keen to share with you all this journey. And I know You guys will also be very curious. to know how to use Google Search Console. And how to increase blog traffic. To the blog or website.    

You must have heard the name of Google Webmaster Tools. So let us tell you that around the year 2015, Google Webmaster Tools was converted and named as Google Search Console.


Google Search Console (GSC) is a free monitoring tool and free service offered by Google. That monitors the website. This tool describes the performance of the website. How your website is performing in Google. Through this tool, you can see the mobile site performance, referring domains, and high traffic queries. 

According to Google Search Console - Search Console tools and reports help you measure your website search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site shine in Google Search results.

It is a great platform based on digital marketing. from here you get to know about crawling, indexing, and Googlebot. And google search console helps you understand that improve how Google sees your website/blogs.

google webmaster guideline


If you are not submitted your blog on Google Search Console. That before you submit your blog in Google Search Console. And you don't know how to submit a blog on Google Search Console. You will know to submit a blog in this tutorial. Don't care we with you.


First, you need to sign in to Google Search Console(GSC). After that, you will click to ADD A PROPERTY.
Copy your website URL and select the right side ADD A PROPERTY. And paste the URL on ADD A PROPERTY section.

You need to add all two variations of your website:

#01. All URLs across all subdomain
        All URLs across HTTPS or HTTP
        Requires DNS verification

#02. Only URLs under the entered address
        Only URLs under specified protocol
        Allows multiple verifications methods

After that, it will ask you to verify your website.

If you go to your website via HTTPS or HTTP ( That direct process is to copy your website URLs and paste the Add A PROPERTY AND Verify to your website is a complete process.

And if you go to your website via domain name (  And you paste your website URLs on Add A PROPERTY. Each time, it will ask you to verify your website. Select the HTML tag option and copy. And go to your website theme section paste the HTML code below the head and save. 

After that, come back to the google search console and click verify, and similarly, Google Search Console will start collected data from your website.


A sitemap is an XML file. That collects the information of your websites like image, page, and post. And this system transfers your website information to Search Engines. So that crawlers of search engines come to your website.


You are ready to create a sitemap in the google search console. ok, understand.

Step 1. Go to the Google search Console (GSC) dashboard and select the left-hand side sitemap button.

Step 2. And select your website URL.
Step 3. Enter for sitemap your website URL with index.xml.

Step 4. For example
Step 5. And finally, click submit.
Step 6. Refresh the page and you can now see your sitemap.

Step 7. For the see sitemap ( of your website enter your website URL on Google.

FAQ:- Top Question Asked About Google Search Console

Do you have faced any problems with the google search console? Yes, then you are not the only person.

Many people are also facing lots of problems. That's why I have tried to give answers to some common questions.

If you don't find your answer then you can ask in the comment box. I will reply as soon as possible. 

Q 1. What is a google search console?

Ans: Google Search Console is called also a webmaster tool. So let us tell you that around the year 2015, the Webmaster tool was converted and named as Google Search Console. The search console monitors the performance of your website. How is your website performance on Google? Collects information and provides you. 

Q 2. What SEO means?

Ans: SEO means Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is the process increase the traffic of your website or blog at the keyword searched by the user on Google's search bar.

Q 3. How to write an SEO-friendly article?

Ans: You write quality content because this is the most important function of SEO. If the content is not good, no matter how much SEO you do, your content ranks. If you are working on a keyword from them, the content of the blog that is ranked on the keyword is low. Then you write good content from it.  

Q 4. How to check blog raking?

Ans: #01. First, go to Google Search Console and click on the URL of your blog.
        #02. Now click on Search Traffic on the left side. Click Search Analytics. Now you Checkmark Click, Impressions, CTR, Positions.

In this way, you can know how much your blog ranking is in Google through the Google Search Console tool.

Q 5.  How many types of SEO are there

Ans: There are three types of SEO

01.     On-page SEO
02.     Off-page SEO
03.      Technical SEO

Hey, I am Ravi Palbirla a blogger and I love doing blog writing on the latest updates of digital marketing skills even better. Read More...